Bringing the gift of hope and comfort to families and patients in Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Units.

Our Vision:
Be A-Maise-ing!
Team A.Maise, Inc. is a 501(c)3, veteran founded, nonprofit organization working to bring the gift of hope and comfort to families and children as they walk through some of life’s darkest valleys. We believe that with simple acts of kindness and love, the light of hope will shine through to help the families feel renewed and encouraged.
Our Work:
When a child is admitted to the hospital, families are often left unprepared for the sudden changes that occur in their daily lives and routines.
Our programs aim to reduce the stress that comes with those changes by offering items that provide comfort and encourage self-care. We offer several programs benefiting families at Wolfson Children's Hospital and UF Health Pediatrics in Jacksonville, Florida. These include our Comfort Cart, Snack Cart & Coffee Bar Program, and NICU/PICU Clothing Pantry.
Support Us:
Our work is made possible by the kindness and generosity of our supporters. There are several ways to contribute to Team A.Maise:
Our A-Maise-ing Teammates
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first T-shirt Fundraisers. Here are some of our A-Maise-ing teammates:

Anyone can be A-Maise-ing!

151,000 +
We started Team A.Maise in honor of our daughter, Ashlyn Maise Leide
August 18, 2019 - December 4, 2019
She inspired us to Be A-Maise-ing to others, especially when they need it most. Due to a rare and fatal lung disorder, Ashlyn was in the PICU for a month before she passed away. During that difficult time, our family was touched by the kindness and generosity shown to us by complete strangers. We thank our supporters, from the bottom of our hearts, for helping us to continue that legacy in Ashlyn's memory by offering the same kindness to others.

Holiday Events:
Thank you to everyone who donated to our 2024 Holiday Toy Drives!

A-Maise-ing News!
Watch, listen, and read all about the work of our organization. We are so thankful for the opportunity to share our mission and story with our community.
We are honored to be Positively JAX award winners! Thank you so much to Melanie Lawson, of The Morning Show team at WJXT4, for the A-Maise-ing feature on Ashlyn and our work in the community.
Listen to an interview with President and Co-Founder, Eric Leide, and Colbi, of, on North Florida Neighborhood where they discuss the past, present, and future of Team A.Maise.
Check out the Stories of Service Update about Team A.Maise. Thank you so much to Anthony Austin, of First Coast News, for keeping our community updated on the progress of our organization.
Team A.Maise Co-Founders were featured in the Stories of Service segment on NBC.
Thank you First Coast News!
Thank you Tom McManus and Buzz TV! Team A.Maise President & Co-Founder Eric Leide was featured on Buzz TV "The Horse's Mouth"
Thank you to Martie Thompson, of Florida Line News, for the wonderful article featuring our organization in The CreekLine.

You can listen to Co-founder Heather Leide talk about Team A.Maise. Thank you to John Scott and 99.1 WQIK!

Team A.Maise co-founders and our A-Maise-ing event sponsors.

Team A.Maise co-founders and our A-Maise-ing event sponsors.

Team A.Maise Board of Directors at Baskets, Brews, & BBQ.
The first annual Baskets, Brews, & BBQ event was a huge success because of our A-Maise-ing team of sponsors, donors, and supporters.
Thank You!

Dear Team A.Maise,
On behalf of the music therapy program at Wolfson Children's Hospital, thank you so much for the stethoscope recording device. With this technology, the department will be able to provide heartbeat recordings and songs to families otherwise not served.
We will utilize this technology to begin a new program that will train staff members on how to record so that all families have access to the living memory of a heartbeat.
Thank you again for your contribution!
Morgan Maxwell, MT-BC
“Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Contact Team A.Maise
Please reach out to us to learn more about our work.
We would love to hear from you!
432 Lake Monroe Pl.
St. Augustine, FL
t: 904 940 1802